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Ramona Queisser, BA

Consultant next level consulting

My main duties

I live for and love projects and processes. With my structured approach, analytical capabilities and strong communication skills, I can support my clients and their large-scale projects in the best possible way. I focuse especially on combining the flexibility of project work with a structured management approach.

My qualifications

  • Bachelor degree in International Business
  • Academic studies in business informatics
  • long lasting trainer for project management software

My experience

  • Project coordinator in various (international / intercontinental) TV / film productions for project teams with more than 300 people (e.g. travel coordination, budget controlling, coordinating on- and off-boarding, team lead production office)
  •  Project management trainer, Germany/USA/UK with various clients over 2.5 years (from various industries, e.g. aviation, consumer goods, automotive, medical technology) for topics project management basics, Microsoft Project, Planview and other project management software
  • Moderator for process workshops and documenting processes for various clients from industries such as light technology, media
  • Project team member with focus on requirements engineering in a project implementing an order database

My private interests

Working in TV productions has not minimized my passion for watching (many) TV series. When I leave the house, it’s either to hit the golf course or taking a seat in a musical theater audience (bonus points if that theater is on Broadway – with New York offering many more adventures for a visitor).

next level holding GmbH.

Floridsdorfer Hauptstrasse 1, 1210 Vienna

Tel: +43/1/478 06 60-0

Fax: +43/1/478 06 60-60